
Life's a Polyp is a rare disease advocacy platform to share the personal experiences of its author and guest authors. It is not to be used for medical or emotional diagnosis or recommendations but solely to share personal experiences.

Life's a Polyp does on occasion review products and may publish sponsored posts that its author believes may be of interest to readers in order to provide information about available products and personal experience with such products. If readers choose to purchase such products, it is of their own decision and risk.

I am not a medical provider, therefore all health-related information found on this website is based off of personal experience and research. Contact your healthcare provider with any health questions or concerns. Life's a Polyp contains opinions and experiences exclusive to its author and guest authors. This blog is not to be used as a platform to diagnose yourself with any health condition. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any treatment, diet, medications, etc that is discussed or followed by the author and/or guest authors of this blog.

Life's a Polyp reserves the right to change how Life's a Polyp is managed and to change the focus or content of its platform.